Today was a busy, busy day for me.
When I woke up the first one hour I spent on the computer and then reading the paper.
Then I went out to feed the animals. Their water was really low so I started filling their troughs. I knew that would take some time so I started mowing the far back yard. While I mowed I had to stop twice to change the water to other troughs.
When I was done with that I picked up the dog potties, which wasn't too bad because there weren't a lot.
After that it was time to give Gus his bath because this was our day to visit the old folks' home.
Then I got on the treadmill for one hour.
When that hour was up it was 12:00 and time for lunch so I cooled off and had a light lunch for about thirty minutes.
Then it was time to start working on the wet bar area. It had a mirror with gold flecking (very 70's!) on the back wall and the those walls had never been painted. I had carefully removed the mirrors yesterday and found they had been glued with some sort of black tarry substance. The sander didn't work on those blobs so I ended up chiseling them off. In spots where the blobs stuck to the mirror they ended up ripping some of the wallboard off. I had some light spackle and attempted to fill the holes with that. After sanding I did two coats of primer. This morning the wall didn't look very good and I decided I was going to fix it like I originally thought I should have, which means giving the whole thing a coat of joint compound. But by the time I was ready to start I knew it was too late to go to the home improvement store so I spent the next two hours painting the trim, corners, and edges.
At 2:30 I stopped painting and cleaned everything up.
Then it was time to clean myself up. I took a nice bath and started getting ready for Gus and my visit. I left the house at 3:35, went on the visit, and got back home right around 5 pm.
Then it was off to the home improvement store to get the joint compound. And of course while I'm there I can't just get one thing so I browsed a bit and got a few more things. I got home around six and started right in on spreading the joint compound over the back wall. I finished up about 45 minutes later when my sister called.
I had forgotten that after my visit I was supposed to go to her house to taste some cheese we had made a few weeks ago. I went over to her house for the cheese and stayed and talked for a while. I left at eight, came home and fed the animals, then fed myself and here I sit typing.
Whew! I'm done for the day!
Tomorrow I'll sand the wall, prime it again, and then paint. Hopefully that won't take too long and I might even be able to hang the new "modern" mirror by evening.
And just changing the subject a little bit...
Here's a picture of our model baby sporting the latest in trendy diaper fashions.

Pretty cool, huh!