We went to Smith Rock State Park today. It is a rustically beautiful park just outside of Terrebonne, OR. There is no camping allowed as it is a day park only ($5.00 fee). There are some equestrian accessible trails and dogs are allowed, on leash only, please.
The Crooked River runs through the area. We saw geese, ducks, and snakes. We went what I can only guess is early in the season and even though school is just out there were quite a few people there.
Surprisingly, to me anyway, the park allows cliff climbing and there were people doing just that. There was even a group of young teens or pre-teens getting ready to go on a climb.
We went to the farthest parking lot and this was the scene.
My husband got brave and stepped out onto the edge. My hands got sweaty just watching him so I stayed back, held the dogs' leashes and took a few pictures. After a few minutes I yelled at him to get back because I was just getting too nervous!

Notice the "balancing" rock in the middle.
A climber. We saw three groups of climbers today!We just went on a small hike today. Obviously much easier going down than coming back up!
Sure glad we didn't have to go up on the cliff face!