We have long been fans of Marie Callender's Double Cream Blueberry Pie. Unfortunately the nearest restaurant is in Eugene, about 3 or so hours away. So of course the next best thing is to do a little internet research and find the recipe or something close. I think I found something really, really close.
I found a recipe on a Taste of Home/Community Forum site (http://community.tasteofhome.com/community_forums/f/30/t/210773.aspx).
Here is the recipe I copied from that site from a forum member named "Hollyga":
Marie Callenders Sour Cream and Blueberry Pie
This was the last and final pie recipe from our visit at Marie Callenders. One thing we noticed right off was that the pie had apples in it. It wasn't just blueberries.
1 9" Baked and Cooled Pie Shell
Blueberry Apple Filling
1 15oz Can Blueberries in Heavy Syrup Drained reserve juice in one bowl and
berries in another bowl
1 1/2 C water
1 C Apple's (delicious) Pealed, Cored, and Diced, Large Pea Size
1/4 tsp. Salt
3 Tbsp. Cornstarch
1/4 C Water
3/4 C Sugar
1/2 tsp. Lemon Juice
1/4 tsp. Cinnamon
In a 2 quart saucepan combine diced apples with water, sugar, and salt at medium temperature until the apples are done but not mushy, about 10 minutes. While apples are cooking mix cornstarch with 1/4 cup water and dissolve cornstarch. When apples are done add lemon juice and berry juice, cook and stir until blended. While stirring on medium heat add dissolved cornstarch slowly and stir constantly until thickened. Add berries and cinnamon mix through. Remove from heat and cool before placing into cooled prepared pie shell. Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
Sour Cream Topping
1C. Sour Cream
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/2 C Sugar
1 Tbsp. Cream Cheese
1/2 tsp. Knox Gelatin
2 Tbsp. Cold Water
Dissolve gelatin in 2 Tbsp. water and set aside. Mix the sour cream, sugar, cream cheese, dash of salt in a pan warm on low heat until sugar in dissolved and everything is mixed thoroughly, stir and watch that mixture does not burn or dry out. When all is smooth and blended add vanilla and stir. Then gradually add gelatin until mixture has a firm consistency of soft pudding, remove from heat. Sour Cream topping may be smoothed over Blueberries while luke warm and chill. May be garnished with whipped cream.
If you are on a tight schedule you may use Blueberry Pie Filling but this will taste a much sweeter.

I made a few changes because I didn't have the can of blueberries called for in the recipe. Just for your info I used 4 cups of frozen blueberries and one Golden Delicious apple. I added the blueberries at the same time as the apples. I didn't add any extra water or juice to make up for the canned berry juice.
I had enough filling for 2+ pies so I ended up making another pie crust and doubling the sour cream topping.
For the whipped cream I made a "stabilized whipped cream frosting" which works really well. It tends to hold up much better than regular whipped cream, which has a tendency to "melt", or disintigrate, even in the fridge.
Here's the recipe for that, again copied straight off the internet:
Stabilized Whipped Cream Frosting
- 1/2 tsp unflavored gelatin powder
- 2 tbsp cold water
- 1 cup whipping cream (regular or heavy--I always use heavy cream)
- 2 tbsp confectioner's sugar
1. Sprinkle gelatin over cold water in small bowl to soften.
Gelatin mixture--I let this get too firm in the fridge, but it worked.
2. Scald 2 tablespoon of the cream; pour over gelatin, stirring till dissolved.
3. Refrigerate until consistency of unbeaten egg white. (This takes about 10-15 minutes.) Then, with a whisk, beat until smooth.
4. In a stand mixer with a whip attachment, or with a hand beater, whip remaining cream and sugar; whip in the smoothed gelatin mixture, stopping to scrape the bowl twice.
Fills and frosts top of 2 8" or 9" cake layers; or frosts 10" angel
cake or spongecake. Tops one standard 9" pie with some left over to enjoy from a spoon. Stands up well, even in warm weather. Keep leftover frosting and any product topped with it in the refrigerator until ready to eat.
The pie turned out to be a big hit and we all agreed it tasted very close to the original Marie Callender's pie.
This recipe is a keeper for our family!