Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In The Garden

The garden is doing well with the exception of one of the squash areas. Once again we are plagued with the little vermin known as pocket gophers. Neighbor Dean and we have been working hard to eradicate the pests with early morning, mid day, and afternoon hunting. Dean has been much more successful than we have. (And more diligent, to be honest.) In the last month he's killed about eight of them with his shotgun (very effective, I might add!), my husband has killed one with his shotgun, and I have killed two with my traps.

We've managed to slow the damage but they are continuing to be a bother. Here you can see there is one squash left next to the gopher's hole.

In this picture in the background you can see what that squash pit used to look like.

The squash and melon seed packets always say to plant the seeds in a hill. We've tried that before and with our sandy soil and hot sun it just doesn't work. What does work for us is just the opposite. We dig a slight depression in the soil and build the sides up. The seeds are planted in various spots around the big hole. Then when watering we fill the hole with water. The soil gets wet and waters the seeds and eventually the growing plants and the water doesn't run off to help the weeds grow!

You can see we also do something similar with our other garden plants. We got one of those cheap watering wands (around $10 at Lowe's) that you can turn off and on with the flick of your thumb. This way the water goes into the hole with the plants and the surrounding areas don't get watered. We've learned over time that this method helps keep the weeds down in the surrounding areas. The weeds don't get water and are less likely to grow. We're slow learners...

Another thing I was going to mention is you can see in the above picture how I've pinched the bottom leaves off the tomato plants. I've been doing this for several years now. This doesn't hurt the plant at all. In fact I think it helps because it makes it easier for me to see and get rid of any weeds growing in the water well area around the roots of the tomato.

Here is our first tomato this year! I can hardly wait. I've had some "vine ripened" from the store, but we all know what that is like. Still pretty bland.

Here's the serrano chili. Besides having the fresh sliced tomatoes I am really looking forward to fresh salsa. My mouth is starting to water just thinking about it.
The grape vines are really going crazy this year. I have no clue on what the proper way to grow grapes is so we've just been pretty lucky as far as they go.
And finally the little squashes that haven't been attacked by the gophers (yet). I'd better pick them no later than tomorrow. Because we all know what happens when you forget to check your squashes every day! (They turn into monsters!!!)

And now I'm off to Lowe's for one more line of defense against the gophers: the sprinkle stuff they allegedly hate and is supposed to drive them away. We are trying everything we can!


  1. How HUGE everything looks and healthy! mine are about 6" tall now, I too planted cantaloupe and squash, I put a Solo cup with the bottom cut out to keep water on the "hill" I think I will go out tomorrow and sink them down a bit, I just want the water to soak in!! I will also pull some of the bottom leaves off our tomatoes too, thanks!!
    Nice to hear Dean is back and safe, did you get to see some of his pictures?

  2. I enjoyed reading about your garden. I too am gardening, but my Zucchini, Cucumbers and Broccoli starts are still in my windowsills. They are doing well, but I can't wait until I can put them in the ground outside. Your garden looks just wonderful.

    If you would like you can check out my blog too. I blog about gardening and Mommy stuff most of the time. I am new to the whole "blogging world" though. I have linked your blog to mine as one of the "blogs I enjoy reading".

    My blog is:


    I hope you are able to get those dang gophers! We have vole problems because they tend to go after our carrots here (B.C. Canada). Last year they were very bad. My Mother-In-Law won't plant carrots this year unless she is able to fashion a special vole free area.

    Thanks for sharing your gardening information! I will also try pinching the bottom leaves off my tomatoes this year and see how that works. I think that I may try your "squash planting technique" with the squash I end up planting this season. I have trouble keeping my zucchini and cucumber roots damp. Thanks for the suggestions/info.

    Have a wonderful spring!!


  3. Look at your gorgeous garden!! Those tomatoes look Great! :)


  4. Your garden is so far along! I haven't even planted mine yet! I'm going to do your opposite hill thing since we are in GA and have clay.
