I was almost five years old when my brother was born. I was the third born of three daughters and he was the fourth born and only son. Let me add, the much longed for and wanted son. We were actually "accidents". Our parents had not planned on having more than two kids,but there we were.
He was born in Oklahoma during a tornado warning. Might that have been a warning of things to come? Maybe not so much for him but for me towards him
Before he was born I was the baby of the family. My parent's friends would visit and make a big fuss over me because I was the baby and I must admit, I was the cutest! All the attention used to be focused on me until he was born.
I remember driving home from the hospital after visiting our mother. My dad was asking for suggestions for names for our new BROTHER. It seems all the suggestions of my four year and 11 month old brain name factory were shot down without so much as a how do you do. I ask you, what's wrong with "Housy"? Nowadays with the popularity of the show "House" he would be a total star. Especially considering that he is today an actual doctor. Obviously I was way ahead of my time!
Who'd have thunk it? My slow, underachieving little brother would become a doctor? An M.D.? NO WAY!!
Meanwhile he had become the bebe de celebrite. I was virtually ignored while visitors oohed and aahed over the NEW BABY.
What was going on? Was I not worthy of attention anymore? Had I suddenly been transformed into some hideous beasty that deserved nothing less than total disregard? I used to think I was fairly cute. That's what they used to tell me. That's why I would try to sneak into every photograph ever taken.
I took every opportunity available to torment him. I remember once shortly after he had been brought home he was sleeping peacefully in his crib. I looked at him through the slats, then reached in and gave him a good pinch. Of course he immediately woke up and started bawling.
My mother rushed in and asked what happened. I feigned total innocence and declared I had been merely passing by when he suddenly woke up crying. I had no idea what was wrong!
It didn't stop there. When he was a little older and just beginning to speak I would hide around corners and just as he was passing by I'd jump out and scare him. That's when he started stuttering. That's when my mom told me to knock it off, or else. I took her warning to heart and his stuttering stopped.
When he was a little older he turned into the nightmare brother. That is, he knew at that point our parents were suspicious of me and usually assumed I was the culprit when he started crying. Usually this was true, but not always. He started tormenting me in ways that would make me sock him. Then he started "crying" and I got in trouble. He did it on purpose!
I don't even remember anymore what set me off on this particular episode. I just recall being so angry I was shaking. I grabbed him around the waist, and in one smooth move, flipped him upside down and then tried to stuff him head first into a metal garbage can.
Then my mother gave me a different kind of warning. "One day he is going to be bigger and stronger than you. Just remember that."
That day did indeed come and the first time he punched me back I was in total shock. My harassment towards him quickly abated, especially since my mom merely looked at me and said "I told you so."
Now he is a doctor. He is an anesthesiologist and also got a fellowship in pain management. I think I speak for my two sisters when I say we are very proud of him. He turned into a really great human being. I'm sure I can take a lot of credit for that! (Just kidding!)

I'm impressed you actually can locate the pictures you need to post on your blog. What a sweet happy birthday greeting for Mark.
Tina! It's so nice to read that you finally got it all out and can let it go! LOL This story finally explains why he takes so much abuse from the 3 girls he is forced to live with. He must have taken the frustration out on you with that punch b/c he is such a sweet and PATIENT man today.
What a nice birthday blog for Mark. I have forwarded it to him.
Funny Tina! You still are a cute little girl.
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