Saturday Carli called me from her work. She was working in the floral department and had rescued five little pots of mini roses from the garbage. Someone had failed to water them. They weren't dead yet, just bone dry. She told her supervisor her mom (me) would buy them.
After she trimmed off the wilty parts they didn't look too bad. She asked the supervisor how much she should charge for them and suggested $1 each. The supervisor said, "No, just make it a dollar for all of them together."
Advantage to having Carli work in floral: she makes arrangements for me with my own flowers.

That's when Carli called me and said I had to come in and buy them, and it had to be in the next 20 minutes before she got off work. I jumped in the car and drove to the store.
All the fancy paper had been removed, but the plants themselves looked to be in good shape. Carli had watered them and trimmed them and they were now waiting in two plastic bags for me to take home. I wasn't sure where I was going to put them yet, but I had an idea.
In the tower yard I had an old watering trough that had worn through. Last year I put some dirt in it and attempted to grow corn. The corn didn't grow so well, but the cows and sheep enjoyed eating the stalks. That's where I thought I'd put the roses.
I put them, still in their pots, in the trough to acclimate before I actually planted them. This morning I came out and there were only four roses and one empty pot. What the...?
missing a rose plant

Suddenly it occurred to me. I had let the sheep out yesterday. One or more of them had somehow reached through or over the fence and managed to grab one of the roses. There was not a trace of the rose or even the potting soil to be found.
gap in the fence

Obviously that spot would not do. So my second choice will be in the box out back next to my composting poop pile that is currently occupied by a standard rose and miscellaneous other flowers.
I guess I can't complain too much when they only cost me 20 cents each.
The first arrangement Carli made for me with roses, iris, blooming cilantro and rosemary! Chester likes it too.

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