While I was waiting for my total at the grocery store yesterday evening my phone rang. It was my husband. "I think the black face is having her baby now," he said.
"Oooh!" I answered. "I'll be there in a few minutes!" I wrote my check and handed it to the girl. "My sheep is having a baby now," I excitedly told her. She was unimpressed.
I drove home as fast as I legally could and threw the cold stuff in the fridge. Good thing I only had a few items. I grabbed the camera and hoped I wasn't too late. After all, I have to document as much as I can for the interested blog readers! All five of you!
When I got out to the barn I could see Baby inside one of the stalls. She was on her feet and bawling uncomfortably. My husband was on the patio next to the barn and told me she'd been that way for a good twenty minutes.
WARNING!!! The following photos may be too graphic for some. Proceed only if you are not grossed out by slimy, bloody, birthing photos.
For a while Baby had her head in a corner.

I hastily spread some fresh straw. I thought it might be a while yet because she hadn't lain down. But then she started stretching her head up like this. This is how they do it when they are laying down so I figured she must be in the last stage of labor by now.


We've got one ewe left to lamb, and that would be Jamie. She's really big but her back end is not showing any significant changes yet. Maybe she'll be giving me the birthday lamb(s).
current lamb count: boys - 3; girls - 3
Thanks, Jenn! That's pretty cool.
Oh, Tina...they're beautiful!!! Congratulations to you and Baby :)
I loved seeing the photos..oh the birthing memories, lol! D'you think the heads-up is Baby calling out for ice chips and declaring that that ram will NEVER do this to her again? heehee
Robbyn, you are so funny!
I love Ellen and Portia. I love it. Go for it.
How could the clerk NOT be impressed? She needs a life. I mean, you were about to become a sheep grandma again! Come on! And to Ellen and Portia! Very cool shots.
I have been out of town but trying to catch up on all I missed...
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