Earlier this week my son wanted to go and get some more shirts. All his shirts were getting too small, or rather he was growing out of them! Carli had come over with the baby and after picking Wil up from summer school we all went to the mall.
We picked up some shirts and a new pair of shorts for Wil, then got new socks and white t-shirts for my husband since he also needed some. As we were meandering towards the exit I turned to Carli and asked if she wanted to get the baby's ears pierced. My treat.
She had been planning on doing it eventually but didn't know exactly when and well, since I was offering we might as well do it now. We went to the same place where she got her ears pierced when she was about 12 years old.
I know some people don't believe in getting babys' ears pierced but I've always thought it was really cute.

Right about at that point another grandma and her daughter walked by. The daughter was holding a baby about our baby's age. As they walked by the both looked very sympathetic and said "Awww!"
Carli clamped down and the first side went in. The baby started crying and before you know it the second side was in. As soon as Carli stood up and turned the baby towards her shoulder she stopped crying. We think she was more mad at being held immobile than she was crying from the pain of the piercing. 

So far so good!

Maybe now when people see her in the grocery cart stuffing her hand in her mouth they won't say, "He's eating his fist!" (That actually happened.)
She is a DOLL :) Happy 4th, my dear online blogging friend!
Nowadays, I've seen boys wear earrings in both ears. HOWEVER, little one is absolutely adorable, and with those earrings, I'm sure there will be no mistaking her gender.
HAPPY 4th!!!!
HAPPY 4th to you all too!!
She gets prettier by the minute, they earrings look too cute! SHE will do fine in the cart from now on!!!
adorable photos! Hope you're having a happy holiday weekend!
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