The wind has died down, but it wasn't until well past sunset when it finally subsided. I wasn't thinking and left the garage door open for most of the day. When I went into the garage I found my car totally covered with dust. It had been washed just one week prior.
Fortunately it was easy to simply rinse it off with the hose. The rest of the garage is a different story.
Fortunately it was easy to simply rinse it off with the hose. The rest of the garage is a different story.

This picture was taken in the afternoon while the wind was still blowing. You can see all the stuff blown out of the trees and into the streets. A lot of that brownish stuff towards the back is old pine needles. Just for info it makes great nest box material for laying hens.

Carli came over Wednesday evening and decorated the front entry for us.

I managed to get a couple of pumpkins carved using both the Rotozip and the jigsaw. I have to admit the jigsaw carving method was easiest.
We still have a few more pumpkins to turn into jack-o-lanterns or something so Carli promised she'd come over after work and finish that up. She works early on Fridays so she'll be here around 4, just in time to get it done before the trick or treaters show up.
Although it's not really a big deal because we usually have less than 20 kids each year. This year I'll be giving each kid a "King Size" Snickers bar (my fave), a "King Size" Hershey milk chocolate bar with almonds, and a pack of Ice Breakers gum. So guess who'll just have to eat what doesn't get given away? That's right, Wil! You thought I was gonna say me, huh! (Yes, I will be "helping" Wil eat the leftovers.) Wil will have to stay home this year. After all, he is 18 now, and who's going to believe a skinny 6' 2" figure is a kid!
Have a safe and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Carli did an excellent job on the porch!
Your trick or treaters will be so lucky, I on the other hand by things I don't like because I will eat them!
It's little one's first. : )
Love, M
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