We have a big parade going on down town right now. I've never been big on parades (maybe I had to work too many "behind the scenes") but I just heard on our news that it's one of the biggest Veteran's Day Parades we've had yet.
THANK YOU to all our past and current members of the military and their families too!
I woke up today with a scratchy throat. Uh oh. It feels like a bad cold coming on. Time to start downing the Cold Eze and Vitamin C tabs!
This weekend wasn't totally useless. I managed to get one panel of the wrought iron fence done. It isn't really great looking up close but you can see the difference between the painted and not painted sections. The painted does look great compared to the not painted. One section at a time, I guess.

Now I have a new dilemma with the ram. He's taken to ramming the fence separating him from the ewes. Look what he's done to the fence!

It's so bad it's beginning to pull the outer fence in too.

I'll have to think for a while on how to solve that problem. (Without it becoming too expensive!)
My other fence is starting to look nicer. Marcus, the baby's daddy, started welding the panels to the main fence. Previously they had been wired up. The wires were starting to wear through and the fence was looking sloppy.

I did get a lot done on my mosaic. I got my sheep done and the black parts grouted. My latest batch of tile came in and I'm trying to figure out a border for mine and exactly how to do the background for the other one.

Things'll get done around here eventually.
Whether by choice or chance we just tend to go about it in a little bit more of a leisurely manner.
Meanwhile, have a good Veteran's Day!
1 comment:
Ok I'll try again, first one wouldn't post?
Please take care of you, chicken soup!
A car battery connected to your fence should change your rams mind!! Can't wait to see your finished Ewe La La, so far it is beautiful!!
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