We spent the evening babysitting and watching The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. (I'm a closet martial arts/Asian/action movie fan.) Then at around 11pm we went to bed. I know, we are a couple of fuddy duddies. I think I had one glass of wine and that was the extent of my partying for the evening. As I get older I just don't have the stamina or recouperativeness for hard liquor drinking. Also I just don't care for it any more like I used to.
I did have a little drinkypoo on my anniversary. I filled a tall glass with ice, then put two shots of Meyer lemon juice, two shots of limoncello (my homemade, of course), and filled the rest with Sprite. The first one I made with club soda, but I decided I wanted it a little sweeter and I then made the second with the sprite. To top it off I put a marischino cherry with a dribble of juice. It was pretty good, if I say so myself!
Since it is the second of a drab and dreary day I think today I will (after the baby is picked up--she spent the night) watch a bunch of the college bowl games (the Oregon/Pittsburgh game the other day was AWFUL!) and work on the ABC blanket I've been working on since late 2007! Too bad it's another NO BURN day! :-[
As for my New Year's resolutions for 2009 I have none. I didn't do a very good job on last years' so I will say I'm continuing to work on those.
I wish everyone the best in this New Year. Cheers!
PS-The cow picture is just because I haven't posted any animal pictures for a while. I don't know when she is due but you can tell she is pregnant, at least.
HAPPY 2009 to you and yours!!!!
: )
How about because in your town its the
Year of the Cow!!
Happy New Year!!
(perhaps we can see the blanket too!!)
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