I let Dakota, our bull, out with Ladysmith and her new calf. I was kind of hoping for a quick breed back. Also, he hadn't been out for a while and I thought I'd let him stretch his legs and nibble on some grass.
Sure enough, he gravitated towards the new fruit trees where the sweet clover is growing nicely. When I looked out my living room window it looked as though he were inside the fence surrounding the trees. I took a closer look and discovered to my horror that he WAS inside, chowing down on the green stuff and even rubbing on my poor little twigs.
Good thing my grandbaby was sleeping right then. I ran outside to shoo Dakota out of the "orchard". Sadly, there was already one casualty. One of the cherry trees was broken. Maybe I should rename him George Washington! 

I put the fence back together where he had pushed through. But then he came right back and started pushing through again. That's when I put him back in his pen. I'll have to figure something else out before I can let him out again. We have an old electric fence charger somewhere. I'll have to dig it out and see if it still works, otherwise maybe buy a new one.
This just goes to show that if a half ton of solid muscle wants some clover, a skinny little 2 inch binder clip is not going to hold him back!
Meanwhile the calf (and it has been confirmed that it's a girl) is doing well. She is very curious about the humans and dogs walking around her pen, but her mother gently steers her away from the fence. Tomorrow she will get the halter put on her and with her mother tied up, she will get her first leading lesson.

The weather has been rather windy and threatening to rain. So far I've only seen a few drops, nowhere near the amount we need. But there was this nice rainbow.

And here's the grandbaby all decked out in one of her nice warm caps. She loves to help me feed the animals. Actually I think she just loves to ride on the tractor!

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