I would say the chicks are no longer cute little chicks. They have grown up fast and are now young chickens. I think their favorite part of the day is when I let them out of their pen. Sometimes I let them out earlier, but today I didn't open their door until around five pm.

They race each other to various spots around the yard, hoping to be the first to find the elusive golden grub.

Busy pecking away!

Here they come racing through the gate to get to the big yard.

Wait for me!

Sometimes you just gotta stop the dirt scratching to do a little itch scratching!

Buck buck buck baaawwwkk!
Do they follow "Mama" back into the pen?
AND how are you enjoying your computer so far??
The only time they follow me is if they are thirsty or hungry and I'm feeding/watering them. Otherwise I have to try and chase them into their pen. Of course it's much easier if I just wait until dusk when they naturally go to roost in the pen.
Meanwhile I AM enjoying the laptop, on which I am now typing! : )
Aha! A chick story - perfect for my farm-owning friend. I'm delighted and I'm sure she will smile, too.
What laptop did you end up purchasing?
Love, M
Refer to this entry from Aug 17, 2009:
(cut and paste if you have to)
I remember that silly little "teenager" stage your chickens are in. Too cute, I love all the pictures!
I was farm-sitting then, and still haven't had a chance to peruse all of your blogs. (Plus, it would help if I wore my reading glasses while reading blogs, lol.)
A Macbook-Pro - WOW! : )
Love, M
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