I found the first red tomato of the year yesterday! It isn't real big, but it sure is beautiful. Guess what I'll be having for lunch tomorrow?
I think under normal circumstances we would be inundated with zuchinis by now but the weather has been so cool it's kind of slowed everything down. We did have some crook neck squash last week that even though it had been on the vine already for a week it was still "baby" sized. And absolutely delicious!
Well, global warming may be going on in other parts of the world but certainly not here!
Been behind in reading your posts, so I just got caught up. Your mosaic is very nice! We are also having a cooler/rainier month of May, but it seems to be doing really good for our plants and my garden. I've got pumpkins coming up from the rotten pumpkins I purposefully tossed in their earlier this spring. Also things in my flower garden that haven't done well in the past seem to be enjoying this sunny/cooler weather. I bet that tomato (no "mater" how small) is going to be delicious! The cow story was quite cute, although my "gardener heart" goes out to you and your "orchard". I hope that they come back for you. Hope your doing well.
I was just so excited to see flowers on my tomatoes, I am a bit behind you, but boy is my mouth watering seeing the yummy tomato!!!
I've been watching the weather and our seasonal temps seemed to have flip flopped! We've had heat in the 90's and h-u-m-i-d. Ick.
Enjoy your garden!
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