I'm not talking about the kind of golden crown that goes on top of your head, rather the kind that goes inside your head (your mouth). I finally got my new permanent tooth today.
And talk about perfect timing! Yesterday I flossed wrong and popped the temporary out (again). But as you can see my new golden crown is in.
My husband came home just as I was leaving for my dentist appointment. His appointment on the other side of the Cascades went well. His next appointment over there is in two months. My next appointment here is tomorrow. It's time to get my breasts pressed!
But on to more pleasant things! I've been making our own bread lately, rather than buy it. I'm not sure why. Maybe just for something to do? Anyway, I've been having a hankering for lox and bagels. Our local Ray's doesn't seem to carry lox so that will have to wait till my next trip to Redmond and the Fred Meyer. (When I asked a clerk at Ray's for "lox" she walked me over to the "hardware" section. I realized she thought I said "locks" and when I tried to explain I meant "lox" she looked a little confused and said if they had it, it would be in the fish section. It wasn't in the fish or deli. ☹)
So I looked in my "Bread Bible" book and the recipe in there called for an ingredient I thought I had but didn't. I checked my trusty Betty Crocker cook book and it had a much simpler recipe that most importantly I had all the ingredients.
Okay, so they didn't look so pretty but they didn't taste half bad. I'll need a little practice to make them look better. Hubby made a white bean and ham soup that was delicious and went well with the fresh bagels.
I'll bet those bagels will toast up so nicely!! And that soup looked pretty darn tasty too, especially when its a bit cold outside!!! Glad your tooth is fixed, and good luck with the breasts in a vise grip tomorrow.
Mmmmmm.......soup and bagels look yummy!!
Glad you got your tooth fixed so you can enjoy it!
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