I hadn't done much since I painted three coats of primer in the hall. At that time I didn't think I'd do the ceiling and I wasn't sure when I would get to painting the real color on the walls. Well, I decided to do the ceiling after all, but fortunately it wasn't in need of any primer.
I had decided I wasn't going to tape everything off because I seem to have bad luck with the tape. I've tried taking it off as soon as I was done painting and I've waited, and both methods leave me dissatisfied. The tape never comes off in one piece and sometimes I've had to get a razor blade to help it come up. And then there's always the spot(s) of paint that get under the tape.
I started with the colored paint yesterday. I did all the trim and corners and just took my time with a new one inch brush I bought when I bought the color. It went very well.
Today I trimmed around the ceiling fixtures, which didn't take long. Again, I took my time and I didn't get so stressed out about it. Then I started with the paint roller. I remembered I had a pole somewhere to screw into the end of the roller so I wouldn't have to keep climbing up and down the ladder. I found it and got down to business.
In no time at all I was done. I really like it now. It seems so much bigger and brighter and it doesn't feel like I'm walking into a cave when I go into the hall.

The next item of business for today was to replace the doorbell cover. I forgot to take a picture while the old one was still attached so here I am holding it up. The doorbell still worked but the cover was broken and the light didn't work.
Here are the wires to the doorbell. I had to enlarge the hole where the wires come out so the new cover would fit.
At first I was going to use the hole saw but then realized the wires wouldn't fit into the saw part and they would end up getting cut. Not good. Then I remembered my Rotozip and put a round cutting blade on it. I had to be careful with the wire but it worked great.
Ta da! The bell works, the light works, and the new cover looks better than the broken one!
I'm done painting for the time being so I can concentrate on other things. We're expecting our friends from Roseburg to come visit next week so I've got a bit of cleaning ahead. I hope the weather is decent when they come over!
Well, put those friends to work. (Ha, ha, the silly people!). I love watching the progress you guys are making on your new home. Say hi to Bill from us in Bako. Cheryl
Nice Job! Have you ever replaced a kitchen faucet? Mine is dripping and it makes me crazy. It can't be too hard, can it?
Have not done a faucet, but I have done a disposal. I would think the faucet wouldn't be too hard. Good luck.
It just occurred to me that maybe you just need a new washer? Unless you want a whole new faucet!
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