Hoffman Hospice, the organization I volunteer for with Gus, has a Children's Grief Therapy Group every Thursday evening. Gus and I go to those meetings about once a month or so, rotating our visits with the other Therapy Dogs.
Usually I sit and watch the kids while they do their activities with the counselor and Gus does his thing. Prior to starting the meeting he may run around the room with the more active kids, chasing them or being chased. Later he will lay quietly and let the kids love on him when they finish their projects. Once I saw a younger child carefully examining Gus's mouth, touching his lips and teeth. Gus was ever so patient and endured it all.
I sometimes wondered if it was worth the trouble to give Gus a bath and make the trips to sit in the room for the while. I recently received these two notes from a couple of the kids. (I blurred their names out. HEPA laws and all... Click on the first picture to enlarge--I don't know why the second picture isn't enlarging.)

I'd say it is.
Happy Thanksgiving!