Neighbor Dean, who is currently in Nigeria for a couple of months, recently sent these photos along. It seems one of the natives had found and killed a rather large python. They decided they were going to turn it into soup, like the goat soup he had been having on a regular basis.
Whatever you say, Dean. Whatever you say.
Wow, that is a pretty graphic picture, but after examining it closer, it looks similar to the way you get fresh salmon steaks (only way thicker!). I wonder if it cooks down similar to fish, and if the skin just comes off.
I can't imagine eating the way he did while he was there. I am not an adventurous eater one bit, I like to stick to the "normal" foods I am used to. Good for him Thanks for sharing, these pictures have been REALLY interesting!
I'm not sure I could do it either, especially after seeing the "kitchen"!
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