As promised, here are some more wildflower pictures taken Sunday at Wind Wolves Preserve. Remember you can click on any picture to enlarge it and see the detail better.
I like this picture because it has several different colors in it. Obviously you can see the bright yellow splashes in the middle and above that the orange-red of the fiddlenecks. If you look closely you'll see purplish-red fading into the blue that surrounds the yellow. Then way in the back you can see a portion of the valley and in the far smog shrouded distance a mountain with some snow on it.

I noticed I took this picture in almost the exact same spot as one from last year. Click here and go to the seventh picture down. I'm not even sure why I took this?
When we first saw this view we thought it was something being cultivated in a farmers field, but then we realized it was all wildflowers.
The bright yellow splashes on the hillsides really intrigued me so I had to get closer to see exactly what they were.
And finally a couple of pictures taken on our return home. We passed an orchard where this fruit tree still had quite a few blossoms left (most of them had already lost most of their blooms).
This is about 10 miles east of Arvin. I love how the lupine lines the roadside. The white flowers almost look like snow patches.
Even though there are no people in these pictures let me assure you there were people everywhere stopping to take pictures. The parking lot at Wind Wolves was totally full--I've never seen more than four cars there before. For the second picture above there were people walking all over that field. When I took that picture I waited a few moments for one small group of people to walk out of the frame before I clicked the picture and before another group of people walked into the shot. Even on our roundabout trip home through Arvin there were cars stopped in all the turn outs. My husband and I were joking about what an inadequate photographer I am because I was about the only one who didn't have a tripod with me!
Well, I think my photos still turned out quite nicely, if I say so myself! I hope you enjoy them too!
Absolutely gorgeous!
My friend whose photos are magazine published to include "Astronomy" magazine, loves your photographs!
As I have said MANY times I hope you print some of these, they are so frame worthy! Who knows you could make some nice moss/fence post frames and hit an Art & Wine Festival and $$$$$$
They are beautiful!!!
Blue sky in Kern, who would have thought??
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