I've made up my mind that this is the year we are going to move. After all, this is something my husband and I have been talking about since not long after we married. We thought we might like to move to Northern California, where the air is cleaner at least.
We always said "we're not going to raise our kids in this town."
Then the kids came and we still didn't move.
We halfheartedly looked at other areas but they were too densely forested, or too expensive, or too inconvenient to move to at that particular time. Being an army brat and having moved just about every third year I was always ready to give it a go, but I think my husband was a little too comfortable where he was at. (Can you say "bawk bawk baaaaawwk!")
I finally got tired of all the talking and "looking". I told my husband we are putting the house on the market in July (or sooner). I figured that would give me enough time to start cleaning up and making the place presentable.
I'm starting from the back of the house and moving towards the front. The first item of order was my bedroom. A few years ago I got "artistic" and painted it in horizontal stripes. It was supposed to be shades of brown, but the lighter shade looks kind of pink. We also had a different bedspread and I had gotten red drapes to go over the sliding glass door.
Meanwhile I got a new bedspread, in shades of green, and now things aren't really looking so good. I enjoy watching various home improvement shows and I know one of the things they say is to have fairly neutral colors on the wall. That meant the stripes had to go.
I found a very pale green for the walls and a white with a hint of green for the trim.

I removed the treadmill and pushed the dresser from the foot of the bed to the opposite wall. The room looks so much bigger and more relaxing now.
The bathroom was totally remodeled just a few years ago so all it will need is a thorough cleaning.
Next I will go through the closets and sort through all that mess. Pack stuff we don't need right now, donate other stuff, and throw stuff away that is no longer used. This will help make the closets look bigger for when potential buyers come poking about. Nobody likes to see clothes and stuff crammed in there.
So that is what I've been doing most of the week when I wasn't fretting about the chicks (who are now in their new box and doing well).
There's still a lot of work to do, but I'm bound and determined to make it happen. This year!