Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Fall Creek Falls

We finally had a couple of non-rainy days in a row. We took advantage of that to go see Fall Creek Falls. 

Since I am so terribly out of shape  :-(   I took pictures starting from the top.

Here's the falls at the top of the trail.

 And just for good measure a quick video.

Here was a little bench facing the falls, but it was soaked from the spray. In fact the jacket I was wearing got quite damp as well from all the spray.

Clyde enjoying a small pool on the side.

From another vantage point.

There was a little side trail to an area called "Job's Garden". It was only 1/4 mile so we took a little detour.

Well, Job's Garden was not what I expected. Just an area with a bunch of rocks. It reminded me of the "Felsenmeer" in Germany we used to go to, only on a much smaller scale.

Back to the trail.

This was probably my favorite part, even more than seeing the waterfall. The trail winds through a small space between a couple of gigantic boulders. This is looking down at a portion of the "mini slot canyon" from the trail above.

The top side opening of the slot trail. If you look closely you can see Hubby at the point the trail makes a right angle turn... Or left angle turn as the case may be.

Clyde and Hubby in the open area beyond the slot part of the trail.

And just for fun another video of going through this part of the trail.

Like I said I took the photos from the top to the bottom. Here's the trailhead sign.