Monday, December 17, 2007

A Few Updates On Everything

Not much has been happening lately, which is why I haven't posted much lately. In the last week I got my hair cut. It's short again, something I do every five years or so. I'll keep it short, then grow it out, then cut it again. I had decided earlier to stop coloring over the gray. Even though the gray part isn't long enough I couldn't stand it any longer and cut it. I think it looks good and it feels good too. That might sound a little wierd but I've been having bad hot flashes and night sweats lately and it helps for that. When it gets to the point where all the color is cut off I'll put on some make up and take a picture to post.

I'm beginning to wonder if the sheep really are pregnant. It seems as if nothing is happening now. Ewenice is the only one who looks like she may be carrying babies but it's hard to tell because they are all wooly now. If nothing happens by the end of January I'll put Perry back in with the ewes.

And speaking of Perry, he decided to rearrange his pen. Look what he did to one of the panels. And he got a little cut on his head for his trouble. I guess that's why they're called "dumb sheep."

Perry put a bow in the panel.
Perry got a little cut on his head for his trouble. See the dribble of blood? Serves him right!
It's times like these that make me want to get rid of the sheep altogether. On the other hand, I want to keep them because the babies are so cute to watch running around. My dream is that we will one day move to more property and the animals can be on actual acreage, and fed with real, fresh grass, except maybe in the winter when the grass will have to be supplemented with hay. My son has one more year to go for high school and so far the plan is to wait until he graduates. Besides, I have to keep them so my sister can perfect her sheep cheese making skills.

The cow family is doing fine. This little bull calf is a feisty one. He's had a few leading lessons and so far so good. I haven't yet advertised him for sale. I'm not sure if he'll be sold or if we're going to put him in the freezer! I wouldn't mind having another cow but room is at a premium around here right now. I'd have to sell the pony which I don't want to do either.

The cows having breakfast.
Gus and I graduated from our hospice volunteer training last week. We are going to make our first visit on Thursday. That means Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning Gus will have to have a bath because the dogs are required to be bathed within 24 hours of their visit. Our volunteer coordinator will come with us, so I'm feeling a little less anxious about the visit. I'm sure everything will be fine.

The poor neglected garden is actually not doing too badly. The true winter stuff is doing great, like the cabbage, carrots, beets, and cauliflower. We were surprised to find a few brussels sprouts mixed in with the cauliflower. After all, we didn't buy any brussels sprouts because we've never had good luck with them. Surprise!

Last week I also finished a baby blanket that one of Carli's friends had requested. It was the heart design. This time I used the right size hook and blue baby yarn so it came out the correct size and didn't use a ton of yarn like Carli's pink heart blankie. The friend said she'd pay me for it so I charged her $25. Hey, maybe I could start a side business!

The grandbaby is doing great. She's starting to stay awake a little more in the day time. She had a little bout of colic but it seems to be fading as quickly as it came on. We switched formula, she gets baby gas drops, and we also started using a different bottle at times. It's a "Dr. Brown" bottle, the design of which is supposed to reduce air intake while the baby is drinking. I think it helps.

Happy baby.
Wil is going to be transferred to Vista West after the Christmas break. I sure hope that helps.

I got all my Christmas cards mailed out, the tree is up, and the house is decorated, finally.

And that is basically what's been going on around here. Yep, pretty much nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you are ahead of me. I still have not put up my tree!!