Saturday, March 22, 2008


I usually take the weekend off from blogging, unless something comes up that just has to be said.

Today is the anniversary of my first blog. It's hard to believe that I've actually stuck with it for a whole year. This will be my 226th post. So far it's been fun and I feel like I've made a few new friends in the "blogosphere".

Let's see if I can stick it out for another year.

Since I'm here I'll share this funny picture of Chester. We had all been outside and when I came in I found him on the sofa with a paper towel that he had snatched from the garbage can. It must have had something irresistible on it.

Caught red handed, or make that red pawed!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! The card is in the mail. haha

Happy Easter too.

Robbyn said...

Happy blog-o-versary!!!!! SO glad you're a blogging friend-across-the-miles!

LOVE your blog, as always, and hope you continue blogging for years to come :)