Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Orchard" Find

Yesterday I mowed my "orchard". The trees are all doing well (so far) (fingers XX).

The gala apple has survived. It's on the end of a spindly branch so I put a couple of little sticks up to support it. I'd hate to have a broken branch at such a tender age.
And while I was mowing I found a happy surprise. A nectarine on one of the other trees! It's not very big and it has a little bit of brown area on the bottom. I think (hope) this may be simply "russeting" which is nothing serious. The fruit is still edible but just not as pretty.
It's a very small nectarine and feels like it may already be close to being ripe. When I squeeze it, it's kind of a medium firm. It won't be long before I'm able to enjoy it. At least I hope I'll be able to enjoy it and it won't be terrible tasting!

Think positive thoughts!

On a completely different note...

As you know Wil is going through the process of joining the Coast Guard. It seems to be a surprisingly long and slow process. I like to think of it as moving at "government speed"--you know, as swiftly flowing as molasses in a Siberian winter. My army father used to say it's called "hurry up and wait". So our latest round included getting a few medical history papers from the various facilities (something I could have sworn was the recruiter's job). Wil called his recruiter yesterday to let him know he had those papers and could he make an appointment now. The recruiter said to send the papers and after he looked them over he would then schedule the appointment.

My question to all you fine people out there is this: Was it really bad of me to include a note in the packet that said, "If there is anything you can do to speed up the process we would greatly appreciate it. Wil's Mom & Dad"



Anonymous said...

Hey Tina!
Congrats on all your fruity finds. Your tomatoes are lovely, too. I have some but they're still small and green...still, I have tomatoes. LOL

I think it's very cute that you included that note to the recruiter.


Anonymous said...

It depends did you surround it with a big heart and before you signed it did you put XOXOXOXOXOX
Mom and Dad???

(I hope to see him at the Reunion!!)