Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I couldn't let today (January 11, 2011--1/11/11) go by without posting at least a little something.

We've seen or driven by everything on the market that's within our price range that could work for us. So far we just haven't been struck by the "gotta have it" bug. There is one place that on our initial drive by didn't seem all that wonderful, but we've ordered an aerial to get a better idea of where the property lines are. That may make it worth a second look.

The only other possibility we've got waiting in the wings is a larger piece of property that was originally for sale for $595,000. Since that was obviously over our budget when I first saw it on the internet I passed it over. Now that property has sold and word is the new owners, a private timber company, have plans to split the 285 acres into two properties and sell the house with 80 acres. Today we went to the realty office to check out the proposed split. Unfortunately it doesn't include the pond and barn, but I could live with that. The house is original 1978 so would definitely need remodeling. They have plans to clear cut one side and selective log on the house side. The only thing I can see not desirable at this point is that they want to have an easement going through the property. I'm having our realtor ask if when they apply with the county for the division if they couldn't request a new access off the road. After all, we're talking a couple hundred acres of property here, with quite a lot of road frontage. It's not like their new access would be within 100 feet of any other driveway on the street! Hopefully we may be able to see the house itself later on this week. And after we see the house and they come up with a price it all may be moot anyhow! But our realtor has let us know she is working to get a lower price for us by "working our case". In other words talking to the other agent about how now we're going to have to build a barn, we don't get the pond, the value should be less because of the logging aspect, and the house needing remodeling.

Otherwise, I really like that area, I like the little town, it's about a mile down the road to a winery, and a couple miles the other way to a 1100 acre county owned equestrian park.

I'll let you know how that all goes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

How cool would that be? Your own 80 acres and access to 1100 more. I hope it works out perfectly for you!

~M~ said...

Fingers and toes crossed!
