Saturday, March 7, 2009

Final Count

Ewenice had her babies right before we were about to leave for Monterey on Thursday. I had walked out one more time and there she was with two new baby girl lambs. This delayed the trip by about 45 minutes, as I had to erect some fences to keep her separated from the others, make sure she had a water bucket, iodine their navels, and take a "just born" photo. In the photo above she has not even expelled her afterbirth yet, so you can see how "fresh" the babies are! They are both really cute and for some odd reason one of them has a few brown spots. I'll try and get some more photos tomorrow.

So now my Spring 2009 Lambing Season is over. As I mentioned before I didn't breed Baby this last time because she had gotten so thin. That makes this lamb count


That doesn't mean the work is done though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful, I hope they were all happy and fat when you returned home!
Thank you both for making the trip up, we had a blast!