Starting off there were a lot of these brown beetles everywhere doing their best to help with the pollination.

If you look carefully at this picture you'll see my least favorite bug of all, an arachnid. This one has a fairly large body with very long, very thin legs. Ech!!!!

Here's a not very good picture of a ground squirrel.

And speaking of not very good pictures here is a King Bird, probably Western or Cassin's.

And speaking of birds, this is a really good shot of a Western Meadow Lark. This bird was cooperating with me by not moving a lot, which is why the picture turned out better than the other bird.

Right now everything is still fairly green. It won't be long before it all turns brown though. I'll have to try and remember to get out there earlier next year.
Thank you for all the beautiful pictures. I'm remembering our get together last year at WW. Thank you.
Like L.C., I also have fond memories of Wind Wolves Preserve, and find your photos to be beautiful. Love, M
So we are planning this trip to California... and it's still massively in the development stages. It was to be strictly northern Ca. because of time, but when I see these pictures... well, it makes me want to venture some to the south! Anyhow, I just want to say I do enjoy your photos.
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