How many lives do cats have? Our Kneadermeier has nine and counting!
Last week while my friend Vicki and I were working on our latest mosaic projects Kneadermeier came strolling in to check on our handiwork. Somehow or the other we got to talking about the cats and how the long haired cats get knotty hair clumps. I mentioned that I found one on the top of Kneadermeier's neck and it was something I needed to take care of.
Vicki, being the helpful gal that she is, asked for a pair of scissors and said she'd just cut it off right then and there. She grabbed the kitty and I gave her the scissors. She got the top half off pretty well and just when I was about to say "be careful, those scissors are really sharp" she cut a little too close to the skin.
The amazing thing is that Kneadermeier didn't cry out or struggle at all. She had about a 1 1/2 inch slice in her skin. Vicki felt so bad she took Kneadermeier in to her veterinarian to see if he could patch her up. When she picked her up the next morning the slice had been enlarged and then stitched together.

They sent Kneadermeier home with a bottle of antibiotics. From the looks of the label I don't think they had a very optimistic prognosis...
Fortunately, the cat is doing much better and doesn't seem to be bothered by her new Frankensteinish look.

Vicki's friend, the veterinarian's wife, told her it happens all the time and they now use seam rippers to help remove the fur clumps. Kneadermeier still has a few knots that need to be removed. We'll keep Vicki away from the scissors and I'll be off to purchase a seam ripper!
Love the RX label. Poor kitty. Glad he's OK now. Maybe he'll take care of the clumps on his own from now on.
Once my dog had a tumor removed from her ear and I was removing the bandage and cut half her ear off, it actually made the healing faster but I sure felt bad...till everyone at the vet said they had all done it at one time, lol.
Poor baby! I actually had to scroll down past the stitches, can't handle babies or animals hurt, I'll bet Vicki felt horrible! Extra treats for good ol' Deadmyer too!
I'd take the kitty to another vet in the future!
Yeah, that was Vicki's vet, not mine!!
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