Monday, June 8, 2009

You Say Tomato...

...I say delicious!
Just a couple of days ago I found one reddening tomato. Now it seems there are at least a dozen! I had one for lunch today and it was delicious. The timing could not have been better. This morning I had the post for my dental implant installed. Now I'm supposed to eat only soft foods on the opposite side of my mouth for about one week.

I was going to post a picture of my tooth area but it was even pretty gross for me, so you all got lucky. Instead I'll show you these gorgeous tomatoes. The little one is a plum tomato, the other two are supposed to be beefsteaks.
Here they are cut open and you can see the typical meatiness of the plum, and the plain good lookingness (?) of the beefsteaks.

All I can say is, I wish you were here so I could share my bounty with you!

PS-The dental implant procedure went well and I'm not feeling too bad right now, just a little sore. I'm expecting it to be worse tomorrow (it's always worse the next day or two, then it gets better). But I'm prepared for that! I've got the fixings for margaritas to go with my tomatoes and cottage cheese and vicodin.


Anonymous said...

Ouch, can you ice it to keep the pain down? And I SO thank you for the non-icky pictures, I am picturing it in my head and that is bad enough, I am hoping you don't have bad pain either! But its done! At least the first part!
I am still waiting for cherry tomato #2!! Chester and I both love them! Although he doesn't like mayo on his!
Take care of yourself!!

Anonymous said...

Great looking tomatoes there, T. Can almost taste them through the computer. I hope mine look and taste as good.

Hope you're feeling better. Thanks for not posting the teeth pictures. Ick.


Anonymous said...

Dear T - Hope you're feeling much better. You said it -- teeth in good shape and beautiful tomatoes are truly somethingc to smile about.

Keep Smiling, : )

Love, M

Robbyn said...

Mmmm...tomato therapy!! I hope your implant doesn't ache too much :)