Monday, August 31, 2009

Not For The Faint Of Heart

Neighbor Dean, who is currently in Nigeria for a couple of months, recently sent these photos along. It seems one of the natives had found and killed a rather large python. They decided they were going to turn it into soup, like the goat soup he had been having on a regular basis.
Dean thought he might be able to get the skin to save as a souvenir, perhaps, but when he got to the "kitchen" he discovered the "chef" had cut the whole snake up, skin and all.
In spite of that he said the snake pepper soup was even better than the goat pepper soup.

Whatever you say, Dean. Whatever you say.


~M~ said...

Wow, that is a pretty graphic picture, but after examining it closer, it looks similar to the way you get fresh salmon steaks (only way thicker!). I wonder if it cooks down similar to fish, and if the skin just comes off.

I can't imagine eating the way he did while he was there. I am not an adventurous eater one bit, I like to stick to the "normal" foods I am used to. Good for him Thanks for sharing, these pictures have been REALLY interesting!


tina f. said...

I'm not sure I could do it either, especially after seeing the "kitchen"!