Friday, December 26, 2008

A Dog And His Bone

Or more like three dogs and three bones.

Albertson's had bovine femur bones for sale the other day, and I thought I would give the dogs a treat for Christmas. I had the butcher cut the bone into three pieces so each dog would have a section and there would hopefully be no conflicts.

As you can see they got busy.

Just a couple days later when I went out to feed in the morning one of the dogs brought his bone with him to the pasture area. He dropped it back there and then went out to the pond area with the rest of us. Apparently whichever dog brought it out forgot about it and it was left out when we came back in.

The next morning I noticed the bone was gone. I'm guessing the fox took it, although by that time there wasn't much left on it!

Merry Christmas, Mr. Fox!

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