The other day it got really cold at night. When I went to feed the animals Dakota the bull actually had a small bit of frost on his hair between his horns. It was time to get serious about building him a shelter of some sort.
Bill decided he wanted the pre-fab Powder River shelter, even though it cost a few hundred dollars more than if I had built a shelter from scratch. I guess he erroneously thought the shelter I would have built would look too shabby. I guess he forgot about the tower I built!
We had gone to a farm store in Redmond to check out the pre-fab Powder River 12' X 12' run in shelter. They didn't deliver and that could have posed a problem if we'd have tried hauling the large framework.
We found a store in Prineville that carried the shelter and they also delivered so we ordered it. They delivered it the next day (yesterday).
We got the model they had set up at the store, otherwise they'd have had to order another. All the pieces are in the box. The only thing missing were installation instructions.
But it was definitely a job for two people.
Will the roof be pitched or flat? Is this a three sided structure? I know he will follow you anywhere, so getting him to use the shelter should not be a problem.
It's flat with a slope towards the back, if that makes any sense. In other words, the roof is flat but the front of the structure is taller than the back. I intend to put some straw inside so it will be interesting to see if he takes to bedding down in there.
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